A blue image of a human head with the brain in red.


Seizures happen when there is an interruption to the electrical activity of the brain. Though there are several types of seizures, the most typical or the one we are most familiar with is, the grand mal seizure. This involves uncontrolled muscle contractions or convulsions throughout the body. Some physical signs of a grand mal seizure are, stiffening or spasm of the extremities. Loss of consciousness, bowel control and possible vomiting.

Your first step is to call 911 or alert EMS. Then protect the victim from any injuries by
moving any furniture that the victim is hitting or coming in contact. Next place your hands behind the victims head to prevent them from suffering any kind of head trauma. Never try to restrain the victim during the seizure. Always allow them full freedom of motion. And lastly, do not place anything into the mouth of a seizing victim, the possible loss of fingers or damage to the victims teeth or mouth can occur.

Things that can cause a person to have a seizure are:

Trauma to the head.
Drug overdose
High fever

Seizures can last from a few seconds to several minutes. After the seizure has ceased, the victim may still be very lethargic or unconscious. First evaluate if the patient has an open airway. If so, are they breathing, then check for any serious bleeding and finally look for signs of shock. If everything is working and the patient is not injured, move the patient onto their side by using the “recovery position†roll